personal thoughts uncensored. warning: ultra sentimental (?), repetitive, self-centered and uncomprehensible unless you're the worm in my stomach.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


【 本 報(Apple Daily) 訊 】 立 法 會 議 員 「 長 毛 」 梁 國 雄 與 數 名 四 五 行 動 成 員 , 昨 日 到 位 於 灣 仔 的 緬 甸 駐 港 領 事 館 示 威 , 抗 議 緬 甸 軍 政 府 軟 禁 民 運 領 袖 昂 山 蘇 姬 , 並 譴 責 該 國 政 府 鎮 壓 民 主 運 動 。 示 威 者 於 昨 日 下 午 一 時 由 灣 仔 修 頓 球 場 出 發 遊 行 到 緬 甸 駐 港 總 領 事 館 , 並 沿 途 不 斷 高 喊 口 號 。 梁 國 雄 促 請 緬 甸 軍 政 府 立 刻 釋 放 昂 山 蘇 姬 及 所 有 政 治 犯 。

political activists... i often admire the courage of these people, to be able to protest (in this case) for other people's sake, for (political-related) issues that they think are not right and demand for the right course of action...
these people have the mind and courage to do this... to me it's truely admirable...

cus when looking at myself... i did not do anything even when i think something is really not right... putting political issues aside, even for my own issues...
say for instance the mother-cutting-hair issue... hahaha, i hv been suffering from it for years... when have i ever said to her DONT CUT MY HAIR? i don't think i have ever protested other than crying once after she cut it (in P.4 i think) and trying to escape from the scene when she wanted to cut my hair... it's not like i've never expressed my feelings, but she took it as ungratefulness and got angry at me instead... funny... maybe i expressed it the wrong way... hahaha... yes somehow it's come back to being MY FAULT again... so how would i have the reasons and courage to protest or do anything?

but then... for political issues... like the american war on afghanistan... again i did nothing. i dont mean i alone could hv done a lot... but i could at least start something in school and ask people to give signatures and express the feeling that we DID NOT WANT the war... we... some stupid catholic school in HK... did not want america to invade afghan... hahaha... who would hv listened? i simply did not believe in those things...

but isn't it the same for mr "long hair" ? some politicians and insignificant citizens in HK protesting in HK (at the door of the Cambodian ambassy <-- spelling?) about the treatment of this rebellion leader (?)... who would listen? really... it's not like these people could threaten the relations between HK and Cambodia... they aren't even the political leaders of HK... nor do they represent the majority opinion of HK people... how would they matter?

however mr. longhair still did it... knowing it could most probably be a useless thing to do... i admire him for his determination and courage..; maybe it's not too hard for him cus he's already been doing things like that for years... but for a person to have such endurance... is not easy, and i think this quality is worth appreciating and if i could... i'd really like to learn from him... (which... for a perosn like me who lacks long-term determination and endurance... is not very possible ~_~)

anyways... that's it for now... i hope the actions of mr. longhair can raise the attention of more HK people and organize more influential protests not just in HK, but nearby S. Asian countries to demand Aung San Su Kyi's freedom.

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